Our short-term personal loans are the perfect solution when you're in need of some extra cash to fund a vacation, buy a computer, pay for car repairs or to make that certain purchase you have been dreaming about. It's up to you, the possibilities are endless. To help put the money in your hands, we offer both unsecured and secured personal loans.
Secured Loans
Earthmover Share Secured Loans are designed for those times when you need a quick loan at the best rate. You use your savings or share certificate accounts as collateral for your loan. The amount you borrow depends on the amount of funds on deposit. It's that simple - no hassles, just quick processing. Note: the secured loan program is a great way to help build or re-build your credit score.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Your rate will be based on the number of years your loan is financed and your individual credit history under our personal credit program. Estimated monthly payment example=$89.00 per $1,000 (payment example is based on 10.74% APR and a term of 12 months).
Unsecured Loans
Our unsecured loans are second to none. They're often called signature loans because your signature and your individual credit worthiness are all you need to apply - no collateral is needed to secure these loans. And as always, applying for a loan is quick, easy and hassle-free.